You didn’t come this far to stop
“You are the reflection of COSMOS at the moment of your birth.”

Everyone is an embodiment of cosmic energy. But how do we access and focus on those energies is vital in order to seek and fulfill the purpose of our life.
It seems a natural part of human experience to seek meaning in the sky.

Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology is traditionally called Jyotish, derived from Sanskrit, where it means "the science of heavenly bodies", although it is sometimes interpreted differently as “the science of light”.
A BIRTH CHART is a holistic image of you.
A HOROSCOPE is a “watcher of the hour”
Astrology can be used in every aspect of life. It provides a great deal of traditional knowledge along with the possibility of accessing future events.
The Renaissance brought a new spirit of humanism and a search for scientific knowledge.
Contemporary astrology emphasizes how we might fruitfully live our lives in rhythm with the COSMIC HEAVENLY PATTERN.

Astrology/ Psychology
With an educational background in psychology, it helps immensely to provide a wonderful platform in understanding human behavior and delivering counsel with life-changing impact and positive transformative results.
Vedic astrology is directly correlated to the science of the Brain (Neuroscience), and the science of matter (Quantum physics).
The psychiatrist Carl Jung was powerfully drawn to astrology. Drawing on Jung’s theory of archetypes and the unconscious; the 20th century saw the development of what is known as “Psychological astrology”.
A famous quote by Carl Jung " In all Chaos, there is a Cosmos, In all disorder a secret order."
Astronomers such as Johannes Kepler practiced astrology but sought a more scientific and rational version of it.

In order to fully appreciate and work with astrology, we must embrace ancient ideas of COSMOS, based on a holistic view of interconnection. Where everything of similar nature resonates in unison.
It opens psychological awareness, shows you the talent and skills at your disposal and how you might become the best version of yourself. At the same time, it will reflect the meaning and purpose of your life by becoming a guiding light to the depth of your inner world. It illuminates your life path and ultimately becomes the practical guide to life.
Each Planet governs everything in the COSMOS that reflects or resonates with its particular energy.
The overall balance of Polarity, Element, Modes in your chart gives powerful information about your personality and what motivates you.