You didn’t come this far to stop
“You are the reflection of COSMOS at the moment of your birth.”
Everyone is an embodiment of cosmic energy. But how do we access and focus on those energies is vital in order to seek and fulfill the purpose of our life.
It seems a natural part of human experience to seek meaning in the sky.
Vedic Astrology
Vedic astrology is traditionally called Jyotish, derived from Sanskrit, where it means "the science of heavenly bodies", although it is sometimes interpreted differently as “the science of light”.
A BIRTH CHART is a holistic image of you.
A HOROSCOPE is a “watcher of the hour”
Astrology can be used in every aspect of life. It provides a great deal of traditional knowledge along with the possibility of accessing future events.
The Renaissance brought a new spirit of humanism and a search for scientific knowledge.
Contemporary astrology emphasizes how we might fruitfully live our lives in rhythm with the COSMIC HEAVENLY PATTERN.